Change will not always do you good
Don't listen to the title of this post, change is ALWAYS a good thing....unless it is actual old change from a country that no longer accepts this stuff as currency. This would be the case with this handful of shrapnel that I found in an old 35mm film canister.
Escudos from Portugal? Ha, this might be the only thing less valuable than the current condition of Portugal. The European Union is under such fire, it is amazing to see how they got here in just a decade. As you may know, Greece had to adopt even further austerity measures, and will it do anything or enough to stop the rot in Europe, no one save your local sooth sayer or Nostradmus can say.
Actually, I foolishly tried to look up a quatrain of Nostradmus' Centuries as it related to the European Union and every website was more indecipherable than the last frankly. Actually, I ended up looking at a Nostradamus book from the 1990s and its focus was the first Persian Gulf war, no mention of the European union so there is that I guess.
Why do we hold onto trinkets and souvenir's from our travels? I looked it up, the Euro was pegged at about 200 Escudos when the monetary system came into effect...5 Escudos? that is like 3 euro cents, WTF that thing is worth more as scrap metal! Coins, old Lets Go! Europe guide books, pamphlets and maps....these are reminders of our trip when we get back but after awhile? They remind us that we have not done anything with this stuff, that we don't travel enough or just simply everything is so out of date that it would not help if you flew on a moment'd notice back to this destination.
I am no minimalist but you gotta learn to let go a bit, move on and move forward.
As for the change in my hand? After I snapped this with my iPhone, I cheerfully tossed this crap into large garbage bag in the studio and did not look twice let me tell you!